Sat 2nd - Thurs 7th September 2023

heartfelt ‘thanks’ FROM love felixstowe

The spirit of Felixstowe shone as bright as the sun during our festival, and it's all thanks to YOU!

Big heart shaped thanks to our town: dedicated residents, selfless volunteers, enthusiastic visitors, and supportive businesses. Your unwavering support and participation turned the dream into reality.

Enjoy the photo memories, keep following us on socials and remember being part of the very first Love Felixstowe Festival. 


We can’t begin to plan for next year without your feedback. This will help us understand what worked for the town and what we need to work on. It’s our first outing and we need your help to bring Love Felixstowe 24 home. Use the links below for festival feedback and Tour of Britain feedback.  

We’re already buzzing with excitement for next year. Together, let's make the next Love Felixstowe Festival even grander and more vibrant. Here's to celebrating Felixstowe, bigger and better!